Monday, June 18, 2012

It's Good to be Home

Sometimes it takes a vacation to appreciate being home and friends. I missed my bed, my TV, my coffee pot, my sewing machine, my washer and dryer, my kitty cat (not in any particular order). On the other hand it was sure nice to get up every morning, hop on my bike and ride a new ride each day. It was nice not having to fix breakfast, lunch or dinner, not having to make my bed, go grocery shopping or cook!

There are small things that I took for granted but appreciate now like our bike lanes and smooth rodes.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

The other thing that I am so thankful for is our bike shops. We have some of the best bike shops in this country. I visited many bike shops on my trip and nothing could compare. So, please, please support our shops. They support us and give us the best service. Online stores are for those who don't have the luxury of being able to walk in a bike shop and find what they want.

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