In Guttengerg, I stopped and took photos of one of the many lock and dams along the River.

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This following photo was taken from a scenic overlook (which means we had to climb a steep hill to get there).

In fact there were three major hills to climb.
The last small town before crossing the River was McGregor where the Ringling Brothers Circus began. We stopped for lunch there and I had my first Mississippi mud carp chowder. Not bad. Across from the restaurant was the Green Room Spa. We all had a chuckle over that one because to us the term "green room" means something else. We refer to the green room as our outdoor restroom facility, usually behind a tree or bush or rock, whatever works.

Upon arriving at Prairie du Chien (which means prairie dog) some of us took a tour of the Villa Louis, a beautifully restored Victorian mansion. It does not look Victorian on the outside but the inside is totally Victorian.

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